SilentIdeas 4.0
Subliminal messages

How to Do Self-Hypnosis: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Do You Want to Learn to Practice Self-Hypnosis?

Have you ever felt that, no matter what process or technique you use, you never achieve significant results? You are not alone. Many people find it difficult to influence their actions and thoughts, but I am happy to say that: It is not your fault! Your life cannot change without your mental map, often unconscious, changing. It can only change if you KNOW HOW YOUR OWN MIND WORKS.

The use of self- hypnosis helps you to quit addictions, lose weight more easily , increase confidence , reduce shyness, relieve stress and anxiety , among other benefits.

If you suffer from any of these problems, we will help you to overcome it in a simple way, you can do it yourself at home. In this article you will learn:

Let's start?

What is Hypnosis?

You may have seen shows or shows where a "hypnotist" seems to be able to use his "hypnotic powers" to force people to do or say things that they would never do or say under normal conditions.

If your answer was positive, it is not surprising that, to you, hypnosis seems crazy, or part of apparently mystical, magical and / or inexplicable phenomena. But that does not correspond to reality. Hypnosis is a serious therapeutic practice, with widely studied and recognized clinical use. To demystify some concepts, it is necessary to understand that…

Hypnosis is not:

When hypnotized the person is:

The state of hypnosis can best be described as a state of highly focused attention , with increased suggestibility - the individual is more susceptible to taking suggestions. Hypnosis is usually accompanied by relaxation, but this is not a rule.

When a person, like a therapist, induces hypnosis in someone, it is called hetero-hypnosis - often also called hypnotherapy . But when hypnosis is self-induced, that is, performed without the help of a hypnologist, this process is known as self-hypnosis.

The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word " hypnos ", which means sleep. It is an abbreviation of the concept “ neurohypnotism” created by the prominent neurosurgeon James Braid (1796-1860). The term means " nervous system sleep" , however, hypnosis cannot be considered a sleep state. When in a state of hypnosis, the person is awake and generally aware of everything that is said and done.

Realizing this, Braid himself later tried to change the name of the practice to monoideism, which means a marked concern with an idea or subject . However, the term hypnosis has remained popular, which is why it is still used today.

How can I use Self-Hypnosis to achieve my goals?

Self-hypnosis is often used to modify behaviors, emotions and attitudes . Many people use self-hypnosis to deal with problems in everyday life. Self-hypnosis can increase your confidence and even help you develop new skills. It can also serve as a stress reliever, anxiety reliever and be used to help overcome habits like smoking and overeating.

In sports, self-hypnosis can improve the athletic performance of men and women. It can also be useful for people suffering from physical pain or stress-related illnesses (hypnosis should only be used in this way after a medical diagnosis has been made and under the guidance of a qualified therapist).

The Self-Hypnosis Technique

After reading all of this, you should be curious about how to perform Self-Hypnosis. So, I'm going to introduce you to a simple but effective technique for this procedure.

This technique is called self-hypnosis for fixing the eyes . Although simple, this is one of the most popular and effective forms of self-hypnosis ever developed.

Let's start using this as a method to help you relax. After practicing a few times, we will add hypnotic suggestions and images.

First, it is important that you reduce distractions by going to a place where you are unlikely to be disturbed. Turn off your phone, television, computer, etc. This is your time. You must focus on your goal of self-hypnosis and nothing else. That done, let's go step by step:

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair with your legs and feet uncrossed.

Avoid eating a big meal first, so that you don't feel bloated or uncomfortable. Unless you want to doze off, sit in a chair. Lying on a bed is likely to induce you to sleep.

Wear comfortable clothes and take off your shoes. If you wear contact lenses, it is advisable to remove them. Keep your legs and feet uncrossed.

  1. Look at the ceiling and take a deep breath.

Without stretching your neck or tilting your head back, choose a point on the ceiling and fix your eyes on that point. As you keep your eyes fixed on this point, take a deep breath and hold the air for a moment and then exhale.

Silently repeat the suggestion "My eyes are tired and heavy and I want to go into self-hypnosis now ".

Repeat the process for yourself a few times. If your eyes are slow to get heavy, leave them closed and relax in a normal position. It is important, when making the suggestion, that you say to yourself willingly, but without pressure. Say it softly and calmly, but convincingly.

  1. Let your body relax.

Allow your body to be loose and limp on the chair like a rag doll. Then slowly count silently from five to zero.

Tell yourself that with each count, you will become more and more relaxed. Stay in that relaxed state for a few minutes while concentrating on your breathing.

Observe the movement of your chest and diaphragm. Be aware of how relaxed your body is becoming without you even having to try to relax it. The less you try, the more relaxed you will be.

  1. When you're ready, go back to the room counting from 1 to 5.

Tell yourself that you will be becoming aware of what is around you, and at the count of 5, you will open your eyes. Count from 1 to 5 in a lively and energetic way. At the count of 5, open your eyes and stretch your arms and feet.

Repeat this technique three or four times and observe how each time you will reach a deeper level of relaxation.

If you find that you don't relax as much as you would like, don't force it. There is a learning curve involved, so determine the practice of self-hypnosis on a regular basis.

Sometimes people may feel a little sluggish or sleepy after coming out of hypnosis. This is similar to waking up from an afternoon nap, it is harmless and it passes after a few moments. However, do not drive or operate machinery until you are fully awake.

Learning Difficulties of Self-Hypnosis

Have you ever experienced the frustration of having a name on the tip of your tongue but not being able to pronounce it? The harder you try to remember the name, the harder it is to remember. Then, when you relax, the name comes back to you.

Sometimes, when we try too hard, we block ourselves from reaching our goals. The attitude you take towards self-hypnosis will determine how easily you learn.

Don't try too hard or set unrealistic goals. Relax and do it in your own time. Accept the pace at which you get results, however small they may seem at first. Believe in yourself, you will continue to achieve the success you desire.

Post-Hypnotic Suggestions and their Rules

Hypnosis is a state of increased suggestibility . Giving suggestions to yourself, when hypnotized, will allow an action or response to happen after the hypnotic experience occurs.

This is called a post-hypnotic suggestion. Doing them will help you achieve your goals.

Over the years, hypnotherapists have developed suggestion rules. These are the guidelines that will allow you to achieve maximum success with the suggestions you give yourself.

The following is a summary of these rules.

  1. Say with sincerity

Hypnotic suggestions should be repeated silently. Do not forget to repeat the suggestions sincerely, in a comfortable, positive and confident way.

  1. Suggestions need to be formulated positively and in the present tense.

Most of us react more favorably to a positive suggestion than to a negative suggestion. A good example of this can be found in our daily lives. If you drop an object, which request do you prefer to hear: "Don't leave it on the floor!" or "Would you mind taking that?" Even indicating the same action, the second option is more sympathetic. Do you agree?

Suggestions are much more effective when you mention what you want to happen, rather than what you want to walk away from. For example: "I am calm" is better than "I am not anxious". In addition, it is good to always opt for propositional suggestions, avoiding terms like trying, which implies difficulty and struggle. So always opt for constructions like "I am quitting easily" instead of "I will try to quit smoking". Following this example, always formulate your suggestions in the present, as if they were happening at this moment in time. So, "I'm relaxed on the plane" is better than "I'll be relaxed when I'm on the plane". Or, "I'm becoming more confident" is better than "I'll try to be confident".
  1. Make specific and realistic suggestions.

Your suggestions will be most effective if they are specific and realistic. If you want to improve your swimming performance, it would be unrealistic to use the suggestion “I am a world class swimmer”, unless of course you are or are about to become a world champion.

Instead, ask yourself what specifically you want to improve in swimming. If you want to improve your breaststroke, you should use a realistic suggestion adapted to this specific mode of swimming.

Structure your suggestions about the changes you want to see in yourself and not about things that are out of your control, like external events and other people.

Try to focus on a single goal. There is no point in giving suggestions for two or three questions at the same time. For example, the suggestion "I am confident that I can lose weight and quit smoking" is unlikely to be effective. Work on one goal at a time, repeating suggestions associated with that goal. When you see some results, move on to your next goal.

  1. Repetition of suggestions

Advertisers know the value of the suggestion, which is why they repeat television and radio advertisements on a regular basis.

One of the most important rules in the practice of self-hypnosis is the repetition of suggestions. You reach the right point by leveraging positive change.

Visualization in Hypnosis

When giving yourself hypnotic suggestions, try to visualize the situation, action and feeling you want.

Use touch, hearing and smell to create new images, or use images from your memory and experiences.

People sometimes believe that they need to see a clear picture of their goal, as if they were watching a movie. However, a positive attitude and a belief that you are "in charge" is more important than clear images.

Below is an exercise to illustrate how effective suggestion and visualization can be. Warning: Do not do this if you have an aversion to lemons.

The Lemon Example

Even without a clear image, you will salivate or react with a grimace.

Adding Hypnotic Suggestion and Visualization in Self-Hypnosis

Rehearsing Positive Results

Let's look at a practical example from a character.

Amanda is a drama student who is afraid of the stage. She will participate in a play and is anxious not to perform well.

She wants to learn self-hypnosis to help her feel more confident. I teach Amanda to practice self-hypnosis and then I teach visualization. In this technique, the person visualizes himself acting and reacting the way he wants, repeating post-hypnotic suggestions to help achieve a goal. After putting herself in hypnosis, Amanda imagines herself on stage acting with confidence and ease.

While viewing this for 30 seconds, she repeats the post-hypnotic suggestion “ I am presenting myself with ease and confidence ” three times . While still in hypnosis, she repeats this process two more times.

This is how this technique is done:

  1. Sit in a comfortable place, with uncrossed legs and feet.
  2. Without tilting your head or stretching your neck, choose a point on the ceiling and fix your eyes on that point. While keeping your eyes fixed on this point, take a deep breath and hold for as long as you feel comfortable. Then, when you exhale, repeat the suggestion "My eyes are tired and heavy and I want to SLEEP NOW" . Repeat this process for yourself a few times and, if your eyes are still not heavy, let them close and relax in a normal position.
  3. Allow your body to be loose and limp on the chair like a rag doll. Then, slowly and willingly, silently count from 5 to 0. Tell yourself with each count that you are getting more and more relaxed.
  4. Visualize an image that represents a situation you want to dominate and see yourself reaching your goal.
  5. Repeat to yourself three times a positive suggestion, such as: "I am confident, calm and relaxed".
  6. Say it with conviction, while portraying the image for about 30 seconds.
  7. Repeat this three times and between times, stay in hypnosis and focus on relaxing your body.
  8. Go back to the room counting from one to five and opening your eyes.

How to Set Your Self-Hypnosis Goals

  1. Give high priority to achieving your goals. Plan to use self-hypnosis on a daily basis and you will begin to see results.
  2. Write your goals on paper. Clarify what you want to work on and be specific. Be sure to set goals that are achievable. If you have long-term goals, a good tip is to break them down into manageable steps.
  3. Formulate your hypnotic suggestions and write them down. Write a series of suggestions for the goal you are working on. Follow the rules of post-hypnotic suggestions. You may even want to write your own script (see an example below).
  4. Decide which images you want to use. If your goal is to relax, imagine a pleasant scene like a beach or park on a hot summer day. You may want to use images of the result as Amanda.
  5. If you can't reach your goal, don't be sad. Remember, not reaching a goal does not mean that you are a failure. You may need to approach the goal in a different way, or you may need to be more persistent.

A Self-Hypnosis Roadmap to Help You Relax and Reduce Anxiety

Below is an example of a script designed to help you relax and cope with anxiety. Feel free to change the suggested images to those that meet your specific needs.

You can imagine yourself on a beach or in a park on a sunny day. You may also want to change the symbolism used to solve a problem you want to work on.

Record the text to listen or ask someone to read it for you.

First, put yourself in Hypnosis as before:

  1. Sit in a comfortable place with your legs and feet uncrossed.
  2. Without tilting your head or stretching your neck, choose a point on the ceiling and fix your eyes on that point. As you keep your eyes fixed on the point, take a deep breath and hold for as long as you feel comfortable. When you exhale, repeat the suggestion "My eyes are tired and heavy and I want to go into self-hypnosis NOW" . Repeat this process for yourself a few times and, if your eyes are still not heavy, let them close and relax in a normal position.
  3. Repeat the following script for yourself in silence and with conviction:

“Now I am allowing my body to be loose and limp on the chair like a rag doll. As I continue to relax, I realize where comfort is in my body.

Maybe I notice a comfortable warm feeling in my hands and fingers or maybe the comfort is noticeable in another part of my body. With every breath and sound I hear, comfort deepens.

I now count from 5 to 0. With each count my relaxation deepens. It can even double. Five - deeper - four - calmer - three - more relaxed - two - one - zero ”.

“I now imagine myself on a golden sand beach. I can feel the warmth of the sand under my feet and the warmth of the sun on my body. I can imagine that I am alone on the beach or that the others are there as my relaxation continues.

I hear the sound of the sea, the waves crashing against the beach. I feel so calm, safe and relaxed that I can stay on the beach for as long as I want.

After a while, I imagine myself in a field on a hot summer day. There is not a cloud in the sky. In the middle of this field, there is a hot air balloon and, attached to the balloon, there is a basket attached to the floor with sandbags.

The hot air balloon remains effortlessly in the sky. Now, I imagine I'm putting any worries, fears or anxiety in the basket. The more I unload my worries into the basket, the more relief I feel. Now I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders ”.

“I drop the sandbags and watch the balloon with its basket go up in the air. As I watch the balloon rise into the air, I feel relief. The higher the balloon rises, the more relief I feel. The farther the balloon gets, the more insignificant my concerns seem to be.

As I watch this balloon get smaller and smaller and farther away, I repeat to myself three times:

"I'm putting aside my worries, fear and anxiety."

When I'm ready, I go back to the room counting from one to five and opening my eyes ”.

When you practice self-hypnosis, the images you use and the suggestions you give yourself are limited only by your imagination.

Summarizing the Main Points

Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

Here are some post-hypnotic suggestions that you can use in your self-hypnosis. Feel free to change them to suit your specific needs.

With each passing day I am more calm, safe and relaxed.

I am becoming more assertive and confident when I talk to colleagues.

Each day I accept myself as I am.

Each time I go into hypnosis, I relax more deeply.

I find it easy to quit smoking.

I eat three healthy meals a day.

Keep in mind that these articles are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.


How a subliminal messages software as SilentIdeas can help you in self-hypnosis

In ordinary hypnosis, the thoughts of the patient are driven by the hypnotist. In self hypnosis, there is no guide to lead the patient. If you are trying to self-hypnotize you, you will have to prepare a script of thoughts and suggestions beforehand to conduct your self-hypnosis session.

The most convenient way to do this is to record the script in a sound file and play it while you relax and let your thoughts be guided by the phrases that are being played.

Using the Windows sound recorder, you can create your script in parts, recording sentences, testing quality, and saving them in individual files.

After saving the phrase files, you'll use SilentIdeas to combine them into a schedule. This will be your script, and you can manipulate the order, number of repetitions, and pauses before and after each file played.

By listening to the script, you can relax and let yourself be guided by the set of previously recorded thoughts without having to worry about remembering them. These scripts can be left playing continuously while you are asleep. Even asleep, you may benefit from this type of autosuggestion.

At any time, you can edit scripts by adding and removing sound files or by modifying order, number of repetitions, and pauses. This will allow you to quickly change that part of the script that needs to be improved without having to re-create it from the beginning.

As you create your sound messages in SilentIdeas, you can choose to save them in the program stock so you can reuse them later in creating new scripts.

Try to create short messages because very large files consume more memory and can degrade your computer's performance.

See how to you can use SilentIdeas 4.0 to experience amazing lucid dreams that will lead you to new and fantastic experiences. Lucid dreams can also be used for therapeutic purposes.

See how to create more efficient subliminal messages to change your habits and attitudes.

See scientific experiments that prove subliminal message effects.


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